
October 18, 2006Dan No Comments »

Oh man, what can I say? I’m just not a very good blog writer (blogger? bloggist?). Maybe for the same reasons I was never good at keeping a journal when I was a kid. Not much has been going on for me. Midterms are mostly over, and classes seem to be letting up momentarily (thank goodness!). This has given me the chance to work on my mythbox (a computer that records TV programs) and to renovate my stereo system. It’s nice to actually get a couple of projects off my workbench, but more on those later.

Snow hit us for the first time this season as of almost exactly a week ago. I couldn’t have been happier brushing off my car the next morning. It was neat to actually have several inches of accumulation on the ground before halloween. Too bad it is all melted now. Last year, we hardly saw any snowflakes in the air until after thanksgiving. Hopefully this means we are well on our way to breaking 300″ of snow this year! I want to say we had 270″ my freshmen year, but I think Houghton can do better. What can I say, I love the snow.

At the possible expense of this post being too long, I’ll start one more paragraph. I watched ‘Click!’ tonight, Adam Sandler’s latest movie. It was quite funny, but it actually had value beyond the humor – something that is not common in his movies. It was thought provoking and reminds me to cherish even the doldrums life hands us. Hopefully that didn’t sound too cheesy. If you haven’t seen it, I recommend it. ‘Night.

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