February 19, 2008Dan No Comments »Heh…totally called that one wrong. Winter Carnival is done and gone, but we had a good time. Statues turned out pretty well and the all-nighter was a blast. Now the statues are covered in snow and the signs indicating what place each took are looking pretty weathered. Mama’s Boys basically swept all the categories, which is pretty awesome. They won first in the overall category as well as statue. It’s nice to hear the hall is doing well at least in terms of participation, even though I am not very involved in it anymore.
The other great thing about winter carnival is lots of friends are in town. Carny brings in loads of people from everywhere. Most importantly it brings in old friends who have graduated or left MTU for other reasons. Curt and Tressa made the voyage up here from Ohio, and it was great to have them around for the long weekend. Unfortunately, a fairly hefty blizzard/cold front moved into the area Saturday (the week before last) and brought us wind chills of -30 and below. When Curt and Tressa were headed back downstate, they were actually turned away at Marquette – many of the roads south of there including most of US 2 and the Mackinac bridge were closed. Luckily they made it home safely, though they had to add about 8 hours onto their already long trip driving the long way around the lake. Time for bed…later.
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