Time for bed
July 31, 2006Dan 1 Comment »Hehe…writing this post from my PDA because…well…I guess I can. This is all scribbled out in graffiti though, so I must be going.
Hehe…writing this post from my PDA because…well…I guess I can. This is all scribbled out in graffiti though, so I must be going.
Well, I’ve spent most of yesterday and some of today building a workbench for my room. It’s nice to have the extra surface space, especially when I can use it for fixing things or building my RC airplane. I was able to scrounge up almost all of the construction materials from random stuff left in […]
It’s the Monday before July 4, and man Tech is a ghost town. I guess all the smart people took today off so they could have a nice 4 day weekend. Since so many people are gone, things are rather quiet here at work. No one is calling in for tech support. 2 of my […]