The mighty workbench
July 5, 2006Dan No Comments »Well, I’ve spent most of yesterday and some of today building a workbench for my room. It’s nice to have the extra surface space, especially when I can use it for fixing things or building my RC airplane. I was able to scrounge up almost all of the construction materials from random stuff left in one of the rooms in my apartment, which I’m quite happy about. Had to buy a few tools at the hardware store, but not too much. This is the first time I’ve ever used a handsaw to do anything significant. I couldn’t quite justify buying an electric circular saw just for this project. Something else I’d like to note- the fan pictured above is actually on. I’m surprised my camera doesn’t show even the slightest motion blur there.
Today, of course is (was?) the fourth of July. I went to go see fireworks in South Range. They had an OK show, especially considering the size of the town. I was actually quite impressed with the grand finale though, one of the better ones I’ve seen. It was very well done. That’s all for me; I’ve got to get up tomorrow morning.
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